Species composition and ecological features of wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) of the Dnipro Islands in Kyiv


  • А. Ю. Гончар Institute for Evolutionary Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


A comprehensive study of the species composition and ecological features of wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in the territory of the Dnipro Islands (Muromets, Trukhaniv, Hydropark, Zhukiv) was carried out for the first time during 2013–2016 spring-summer seasons. 136 species of wild bees from 33 genera of 6 families have been found. Among the common species there were Colletes cunicularius, Bombus lucorum, B. terrestris, and B. lapidarius. In addition, two species (Lithurgus cornutus and Icteranthidium laterale) within the city are found only on the Muromets and Zhukiv islands. Among wild bees that recorded on all of the investigated Dnipro Islands the 3 species are included to the ‘Red Book of Ukraine’ — Bombus pomorum, Xylocopa valga, and a highly specialized species — Andrena chrysopus, which visits Asparagus officinalis flowers. Considering high diversity of wild bees, the Dnipro Islands within the Kyiv city have a special value, because their resources provide the support for biodiversity of wild bees and stability of their populations.


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How to Cite

“Species composition and ecological features of wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) of the Dnipro Islands in Kyiv” (2017) The Kharkiv Entomological Society Gazette, 25(2), pp. 11–21. Available at: https://entomology.kharkiv.ua/index.php/KhESG/article/view/17 (Accessed: 30 March 2025).

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