Fauna of the spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of the Kaniv Nature Reserve and the park ‘Theophania’



Checklist of the spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of the park ‘Theophania’ and Kaniv Nature Reserve is presented. The list includes 43 species of the spider wasps from 16 genera: 38 species from 15 genera — for the Kaniv Nature Reserve and 19 species from 10 genera for the park ‘Theophania’. All collected species belong to the subfamilies Pompilinae and Pepsinae. The comparative table includes data on the species composition and habitats in the investigated areas, which are compared with the author’s previously published data on the fauna of the spider wasps of the National Nature Park ‘Pyriatynskyi’. For the territory of the park ‘Theophania’ all species of the spider wasps are indicated for the first time. The fauna of spider wasps has a high degree of similarity for the forest areas of the investigated territories. The absence of some of species in the territory of the park ‘Theophania’ is probably due to anthropogenic pressure, as well as to the diversity of biotopes compared to the Kaniv Nature Reserve and the National Nature Park ‘Pyriatynskyi’.


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How to Cite

“Fauna of the spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of the Kaniv Nature Reserve and the park ‘Theophania’” (2018) The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 26(1), pp. 50–54. Available at: https://entomology.kharkiv.ua/index.php/KhESG/article/view/8 (Accessed: 22 October 2024).

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