Spatial patterns and habitat differentiation of the beetle (Insecta: Coleoptera) fauna of protected areas in the Eastern Carpathians (Ivano-Frankivsk Region, Ukraine)
altitudinal ecological gradient, β-diversity, functional diversity, ecosystem capacityAbstract
Despite the beetles in the Eastern Carpathians have been studied for 200 years, a complete and exhaustive list of beetles has not been done yet. Nevertheless, the main tasks of conservation activity are to identify biodiversity hot spots and to determine the causes of their existence. In this outline, we studied the Coleoptera fauna of protected areas in the Eastern Carpathians. We identified 595 species of beetles from 37 families, which analyzed by the criteria of spatial patterns and habitat differentiation. We found ascending altitudinal gradient in species richness from 327 species at 325 m a. s. l. to 48 species at 1,800 m a. s. l.. The sylvatic species of Coleoptera predominate in throughout the Eastern Carpathians except alpine meadows of the Chornohora Range and steppes in the Dnister River Valley. Coleoptera fauna is highly differentiated with a low similarity within habitats. We identified two different types of Coleoptera-mediated transmission of energy in meadow and forest habitats including the producer-consumer and the reducer-consumer energy transmission. We believe, this indicates on highest capacity and resilience of the forest ecosystems. Meanwhile, meadow ecosystems are more vulnerable to anthropogenic and natural threats. In light of our findings, there is a need to provide a special protection regime for Coleoptera habitats on alpine meadows and steppes in the region. 4 figs, 2 tabs, 52 refs.
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