Dynamic of the herpetobiont community in the floodplain of the Protich River (The Dnyprovsko-Orylsky Nature Reserve)



The tendency of the ecomorphic structure transformation of soil macrofauna in grassland community and dynamics of its abundance during the growing season in the floodplain within the Dnyprovsko-Orylsky Nature Reserve have been studied. 80 species of soil invertebrates and 66 insect species among them have been found in the floodplain of the Protich River. The transformation of the cenomorphic structure of mesopedobiont community in grassland biogeocoenosis during the season has been revealed. The main seasonal trend of cenomorphic structure transformation has been presented by displacement of the pratants and to a lesser extent silvants by stepants. During the season there is a significant transformation of the gygromorphic structure of the mesopedobiont community. The trophocenomorphic structure of the mesopedobiont community has been found to reflect the trophic structure of plant communities largely. In the trophic structure the saprophagous fraction tends to increase during the season, and zoophages tend to decrease. Dynamics of species diversity index shows that on the background of variability of species number evenness of the species abundance subject only to random fluctuations and is on one level, which is an evidence of the community structure stability during the season.


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How to Cite

“Dynamic of the herpetobiont community in the floodplain of the Protich River (The Dnyprovsko-Orylsky Nature Reserve)” (2017) The Kharkiv Entomological Society Gazette, 25(2), pp. 22–39. Available at: https://entomology.kharkiv.ua/index.php/KhESG/article/view/18 (Accessed: 7 March 2025).

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