New records of Lepidoptera (Insecta) of Nakhodkin Yar gulch (Luhansk Region, Ukraine)




Lepidoptera, butterflies and moths, fauna, steppe, gulch Nakhodkin Yar, Luhansk Region


A list of new records of the butterflies and moths in Nakhodkin Yar gulch is provided. The list includes 211 species registered in Nakhodkin Yar gulch for the first time, of which two species (Ypsolopha trichonella (Mann, 1861) and Heliothela wulfeniana (Scopoli, 1763)) are firstly recorded for Luhansk Region. Totally, there are 364 species of Lepidoptera registered in Nakhodkin Yar gulch. 2 figs, 2 tabs, 14 refs.


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How to Cite

“New records of Lepidoptera (Insecta) of Nakhodkin Yar gulch (Luhansk Region, Ukraine)” (2022) The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 30(1-2), pp. 18–24. doi:10.36016/KhESG-2022-30-1-2-4.

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