New data on the distribution of Palearctic species of water scavenger beetles from the nominative subgenus of the genus Berosus Leach, 1817 (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae)



Data have been generalized and supplemented on distribution of 6 species of the nominative subgenus of the genus Berosus Leach, 1817 in the north and middle belt of the Eastern Palaearctic: B. (B.) signaticollis (Charpentier, 1825), B. (B.) geminus Reiche et Saulcy, 1856, B. (B.) byzantinus Ganglbauer, 1904, B. (B.) dispar Reiche et Saulcy, 1856, B. (B.) punctipennis Harold, 1878, B. (B.) luridus (Linnaeus, 1761). New locations for B. luridus (in the Astrakhan Region of Russia and in Kazakhstan) and B. geminus (in the Odessa Region of Ukraine and in Western Siberia) are listed. A key for determination is proposed, which, along with the listed ones, also includes 3 species from the adjacent territories: B. (B.) affinis Brullé, 1835, B. (B.) hispanicus Küster, 1847 and B. (B.) japonicus Sharp, 1873.


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How to Cite

“New data on the distribution of Palearctic species of water scavenger beetles from the nominative subgenus of the genus Berosus Leach, 1817 (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae)” (2017) The Kharkiv Entomological Society Gazette, 25(2), pp. 5–10. Available at: (Accessed: 22 February 2025).