Achievements and problems of forest entomology in Ukraine



The main results of researches on forest entomology in Ukraine for last ten years are presented. Insect pest lists were clarified for the main forest species (Pinus sylvestris L. and Quercus robur L.). Such study of Fraxinus sp., Betula sp., and Acer sp. pests is started. Issues of seasonal development of native and adventive insects damaging forest trees or forest production were studied. Attention is paid to population dynamics and injuriousness of phytophagous insects, their associations with pathogenic organisms. Fundamental and practical meaning of researches on forest entomology for forest management is underlined. The main tasks for near future include evaluation of climate change influence on forest insects’ seasonal development, their survival, fertility and injuriousness, as well as scoring of stem insects’ ability to vector fungi, bacteria, and nematodes that cause tree mortality and decrease of timber quality.


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Andreieva, O. Y. 2014. Spread of pine sawflies in the stands of Central Polissya. Herald of Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, 1 (41), 3, 140–145. [in Ukrainian].

Andreieva, O. Y. 2016. Stem pests in the foci of pine stands decline in Zhytomyr Forest Enterprise of Zhytomyr Region. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 1−2, 3–9. [in Ukrainian].

Andreieva, O. Y., Guzii, A. I., Vyshnevskyi, A. V. 2018. Spread of bark beetles foci in pine stands of Volodymyretske Forest Enterprise. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 28(3), 14–17. [in Ukrainian].

Andreieva, O. Y., Martynchuk, I. V. 2017. Dynamics of the threat of pine sawflies foci spread with a change of forest stocking density. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 1–2, 11–17. [in Ukrainian].

Andreieva, O. Y., Martynchuk, I. V. 2018. Economical aspects of felling the trees colonized by stem pests in the pine stands of Polissya. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 28(2), 31–36. [in Ukrainian].

Aristova, A. I. 2014. Colonization of trap trees by Acanthocinus aedilis (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 1–2, 7–14. [in Ukrainian].

Bajdyk, G. V., Berezhnenko, Zh. I. 2013. Insect pests of oak in the field protective forest belts of the training & scientific production centre ‘Doslidne pole’ of Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchajev. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 10, 22–28. [in Ukrainian].

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Berezhnenko, Zh. I. 2014. Trophic relations of lepidopterous foliage browsing insects in the field protective forest belts of the Left-bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 1−2, 15–22. [in Ukrainian].

Berezhnenko, Zh. I. 2015. Efficiency of insecticide treatment against ash sawfly in the field protective forest shelter belts. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 1–2, 17–20. [in Ukrainian].

Bobrov, I. O. 2016. Spread and injuriousness of pine bark bug in the stands of Novgorod-Siverske Polissya: PhD Thesis (06.03.03 — forest sciences and forestry). Kharkiv, 1–22. [in Ukrainian].

Davydenko, K., Meshkova, V. 2017. The current situation concerning severity and causes of ash dieback in Ukraine caused by Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. In: Vasaitis, R., Enderle, R., eds. Dieback of European Ash (Fraxinus spp.): Consequences and Guidelines for Sustainable Management. SLU, Uppsala, 220–227.

Davydenko, K. V., Meshkova, V. L. 2012. Methodical aspects of evaluation of pathogenic influence of Ophiostomatoid fungi, associated with bark beetles, on Pinus sylvestris L. seedlings. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 11, 57–63. [in Ukrainian].

Davydenko, K. V., Skrylnik, Yu. Ye., Meshkova, V. L. 2015. Stem nematodes in declining stands of Scots pine in Volyn’ Polissya. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 1–2, 32–37. [in Ukrainian].

Davydenko, K., Vasaitis, R., Menkis, A. 2017. Fungi associated with Ips acuminatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Ukraine with a special emphasis on pathogenicity of ophiostomatoid species. European Journal of Entomology, 114, 77–85.

Davydenko, K., Vasaitis, R., Meshkova, V., Menkis, A. 2014. Fungi associated with the red-haired bark beetle, Hylurgus ligniperda (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the forest-steppe zone in eastern Ukraine. European Journal of Entomology, 111, 561–565.

Kochetova, A. I. 2017. Stem pests of pine and their control in the places of timber harvesting in the stands of the North-Eastern Steppe of Ukraine: PhD Thesis (16.00.10 — entomology). Kharkiv, 1–22 [in Ukrainian].

Kolenkina, M. S. 2014. Spread of foci of pine sawflies in the East Ukraine and their influence on forest condition: PhD Thesis (06.03.03 — forest sciences and forestry). Kharkiv, 1–20. [in Ukrainian].

Koshelyaeva, Y. V., Skrylnik, Yu. Ye. 2017. Biological peculiarities of Xyleborus saxeseni Rotz, 1837 in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth). Fauna of Ukraine on the birder of 20–21 centuries. New concepts of zoological researches (Kharkiv, 12–16 September 2017). Kharkiv, 39–40. [in Ukrainian].

Koval, I. M., Andreieva, O. Y. 2009. Influence of Neodiprion sertifer Geoffr. outbreak on dynamics of Scots pine radial increment in Polissya. Forestry and Forest Melioration, 116, 62–69. [in Ukrainian].

Koval, I. M., Mikulina, I. M. 2012. Dendrochronological research of common horse chesnut damaged by the horse-chestnut leaf miner in Forest-Steppe zone. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 22(10), 40–45. [in Ukrainian].

Koval, L. M., 2016. Seasonal development of Acantholyda hieroglyphica (Christ, 1791) (Pamphiliidae: Hymenoptera) in unclosed pine plantations. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 1–2, 24–29. [in Ukrainian].

Kukina O. M. 2011. Prediction of distribution and development of stem insect pests in the oak clear-cuts of the East part of Forest Steppe of Ukraine: PhD Thesis (16.00.10 — entomology). Kharkiv, 1–20. [in Ukrainian].

Kukina, O. M. 2013. Peculiarities of oak trees colonization by oak bark beetle (Scolytus intricatus Ratzeburg, 1837; Coleoptera: Scolytidae). The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 10, 98–103. [in Ukrainian].

Kukina, O. M. 2014. Foliage browsing insects of Chihirin pine forest. Forestry and Forest Melioration, 124. 177–184.

Martynov, V. V., Nikulina, T. V. 2015. Population surge of zigzag elm sawfly (Aproceros leucopoda (Takeuchi, 1939): Hymenoptera: Argidae) in the Northern Cis-Azov Region. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 8(2), 135–142.

Melenti, V. O., Lezhenina, I. P., Melenti, D. O. 2017. The use of chemical protection to limit the population of the soft scale insects — Physokermes hemicryphus Dalman, 1826 and Physokermes piceae Schrank, 1801 (Homoptera: Coccidae) on the spruce). The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 1–2, 104–109. [in Ukrainian].

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Meshkova, V. L. 2008. Development of A. I. Ilyinsky ideas in the forest entomology of Ukraine. Reading of the memory of Andrei Ilyinsky (VNIILM, 18 March, 2008). Moscow — Pushkino (2009), 18–33. [in Russian].

Meshkova, V. L., Davydenko, K. V., Kukina, O. N., Sokolova, I. M., Skrylnik, Yu. Ye. 2009. Methodological aspects of stem insects research. News of the Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical Academy, 187, 201–209. [in Russian].

Meshkova, V. L., Mikulina, I. M. 2009. Spread of horse-chestnut leafminer (Cameraria ohridella Deschka and Dimic, 1986: Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in the green stands of Kharkiv Region. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 8, 105–109. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L. 2009a. Entomological problems in clear-cuts and fire-sites in the pine stands of Forest Steppe and Steppe of Ukraine. Bulletin of the Moscow State University of Forest. ‘Forestry Bulletin’, 5(68), 72–79. [in Russian].

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Meshkova, V. 2010. Natural and artificial epizooties of virus diseases of forest insects in Ukraine. In: Gninenko, Yu. I., Zhang Yong, eds., Recent developments in research and application of viruses in forest health protection. VNILLM, Pushkina-Beijing, 59–72.

Meshkova, V. L., Kukina, O. N. 2010. Population indices of Scolytus intricatus (Ratzeburg, 1837) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) at colonization of coarse woody debris. News of the Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical Academy, 192, 167–174. [in Russian].

Meshkova, V. L., Bobrov, І. О. 2011. Seasonal development of pine bark bug populations in the fresh poor forest site conditions. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 9, 102–109. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V., Davydenko, K. 2011. Foliage browsing insects outbreaks in Ukraine before and after global warming. In: Delb, H., Pontuali, S., eds. Biotic Risks and Climate Change in Forests. Proceedings of the Working Party 7.03.10 Methodology of Forest Insect and Disease Survey in Central Europe, 10th Workshop (Freiburg, Germany, 20–23 September 2010). FVA, Freiburg, 18–25. (Berichte Freiburger Forstliche Forschung. Bd. 89)

Meshkova, V. L., Kukina, O. M. 2011. Injuriousness of xylobionts in the oak clear-cuts in the Left-Bank Ukraine. News of the Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical Academy, 196, 238–245. [in Russian].

Meshkova, V. L., Mikulina, I. M. 2011. Seasonal development of Phyllonorycter robiniella Clem. (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) in the green stands of Kharkiv. Forestry and Forest Melioration, 119, 176–183. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Nazarenko, S. V. 2011a. Evaluation of optimal dates of treatment of stands with viral preparation against Neodiprion sertifer Geoffr. in the Low Dnieper region. Proceedings of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 9, 143–146. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Nazarenko, S. V. 2011b. Prediction of foliage browsing insects foci spread in Doslidne forestry of the Steppe branch of URIFFM. Forest Journal, 2, 40–47. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Skrylnik, Yu. Ye., Zinchenko, O. V. 2011. Larvae density and colonization level of pine logs by Monochamus galloprovincialis after treatment with insecticides. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 9, 110–115. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Bobrov, I. O. 2012. Infestation of 6–12-years old forest plantations by pine bark bug (Aradus cinnamomeus Panz) depending on forest site conditions and mixture scheme of tree species. Proceedings of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 10, 139–143. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Davydenko, K. V. 2012. Ophiostomatoid fungi vectored by bark beetles Hylastes spp. in pine plantations of the Left-bank Ukraine. News of the Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical Academy, 200, 106–113. [in Russian].

Meshkova, V. L., Mikulina, I. M. 2012a. Spatial and temporal dynamics of lime miner populations in green stands of Kharkiv Region. Scientific Herald of NULES of Ukraine, 171(3), 159–166. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Mikulina, I. N. 2012b. Seasonal development of invasive miner moths in green stands of Kharkov. In: Ecological and Economical Sequences of Dendrophylic Insect Invasions: Proceeding of All-Russian Conference with International Participation. (Krasnoyarsk, 25–27 September 2012). Krasnoyarsk, 168–171. [in Russian].

Meshkova, V. L., Nazarenko, S. V. 2012. Phyllonorycter platani (Staudinger, 1870) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in Kherson Region. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 20(2), 63–64. [in Russian].

Meshkova, V. L., Zinchenko, O. V., Aristova, A. I. 2012. Population indices of European bark beetle (Ips sexdentatus Boern.) in pine stands of Lugansk Region. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 11, 145–152. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L. 2013. Approaches to evaluation of injuriousness of foliage browsing insects. Ukrainian Entomological Journal. 1(6), 79–89. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Davydenko, K. V., Berezhnenko, Zh. I. 2013a. Foliage browsing insects in ash (Fraxinus sp.) in green stands of Kharkiv Region. In: Puzik, V., ed. Plant Protection in 21st Century: Problems and Prospects of Development: Proceedings of Internet Scientific Conference of Students, Post-graduate Students and Young Scientists. KhNAU, Kharkiv, 71–74. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V., Mikulina, I., Shatrovskaja, V. 2013b. Host specificity of some Gracilariid leafminers. In: Recent Developments in Research and Application of Viruses in Forest Health Protection. China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing, 1, 13–27.

Meshkova, V. L., Kukina, O. M. 2013. Prediction of the threat of spread of oak borer (Agrilus biguttatus F.) in the stands near the border of clear-cuts. Proceedings of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 14, 157–160. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Mikulina I. M. 2013. Seasonal development of horse-chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimić, 1986 (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in the green stands of Kharkiv. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 21(2), 29–37.

Meshkova, V. L., Zinchenko, O. V. 2013. Colonization by stem insects the pine stands weakened by different causes. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 10, 126–131. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L. 2014. Advance and tasks of forest protection in Ukraine. Herald of Volga State University of Technology. Series ‘Forest Ecology. Nature Management’, 2(22), 5–20. [in Russian].

Meshkova, V. L., Skrylnik, Yu. Ye., Tovstukha, O. V. 2014a. Stem insect pests in wind damaged pine stands and priorities for sanitary felling. Proceedings of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 12, 172–176.

Meshkova, V. L., Turenko, V. P., Bajdyk, G. V. 2014b. Adventive injurious organisms in the forests of Ukraine. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 1−2, 112–121. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Eroshenko, S. A., 2015. Dates of swarming of the small banded pine weevil Pissodes castaneus (De Geer, 1775) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the North-Eastern Steppe of Ukraine. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 23(2), 59–63. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Berezhnenko, Zh. I., Kukina, O. M. 2015a. Critical population density of foliage browsing insects in pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) and European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) in the Left-bank Forest-Steppe. Proceedings of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 13(1), 139–143.

Meshkova, V. L., Kochetova, A. I., Zinchenko, O. V. 2015b. Pine engraver beetle Ips acuminatus (Gyllenhal, 1827): Insecta: Coleoptera: Scolytinae in the North-Eastern Steppe of Ukraine. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 23(2), 64–69. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Kukina, О. М., Berezhnenko, Zh. I. 2015c. Prediction of severity of stand damage by winter moth in the Left-bank Forest Steppe. Scientific Herald of NULES of Ukraine. Series ‘Forestry and Ornamental Horticulture’, 219, 176–181. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Sokolova, I. M., Koval, L. M., Kochetova, A. I., Yeroshenko, S. O. 2015d. Spread and injuriousness of stem insects in unclosed Scots pine plantations in pine forests in Siversky Donets river valley depending on forest site conditions. Forestry and Forest Melioration, 127, 177–186.

Meshkova, V. L., Zinchenko, O. V., Skrylnyk, Yu. Ye., Aristova, A. I. 2015e. Timeline (or timeframe) of development of pine stem pests in the Left-bank Ukraine. News of the Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical Academy, 211, 59–67. [in Russian].

Meshkova, V. 2016. Some recent results of long-term investigations in the permanent sample plots of URIFFM. Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Ecological collection. Modern Problems of Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Research. In memoriam of Docent Andrij Pjasec’kij, 46, 33–45.

Meshkova, V. L., Bajdyk, G. V., Berezhnenko, Zh. I. 2016. Peculiarities of seasonal development of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) in the field protective forest belts of Kharkiv Region. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 1–2, 70–78. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Kolyenkina, M. S. 2016. Mass propagation of pine sawflies in the stands of Luhansk Region: monograph. Planeta-Print, Kharkiv, 1–180. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L. 2017. Evaluation of harm (injuriousness) of stem insects in pine forest. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 27(8), 101–104.

Meshkova, V. L., Borysenko, O. I. 2017a. Dynamics of pine engraver beetle-caused forest decline in Teterivske Forestry Enterprise. Forestry and Forest Melioration, 131, 171–178.

Meshkova, V., Borysenko, O. 2017b. GIS-based prediction of the foliage browsing insects’ outbreaks in the pine stands of the SE ‘Kreminske FHE’. Proceedings of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 15, 112–118.

Meshkova, V. L., Borysova, V. L. 2017. Damage causes of European ash in the permanent sampling plots in Kharkiv Region. Forestry and Forest Melioration, 131, 179–186.

Meshkova, V. L., Sokolova, І. М. 2017. Stem pests of unclosed pine plantations in Siversky Donets river valley. Planeta-Print. Kharkiv, 1–160. [in Ukrainian].

Meshkova, V. L., Kochetova, A. I., Skrylnik, Yu. Ye., Zinchenko, O. V. 2017a. Seasonal development of the timberman beetle Acanthocinus aedilis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the North-Eastern Steppe of Ukraine. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 25(2), 40–44.

Meshkova, V. L., Kochetova, A. I., Zinchenko, O. V., Skrylnik, Yu. Ye. 2017b. Biology of multivoltine bark beetles species (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) in the North-Eastern Steppe of the Ukraine. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 1–2, 117–124.

Meshkova, V. L., Nazarenko, S. V., Kasych, T. G. 2017c. Dynamics of European pine sawfly foci area in the stands of Low Dnieper region in 2010–2017. Forestry and Forest Melioration, 130, 215–222.

Meshkova, V. L., Skrylnik, Yu. Ye., Zinchenko, O. V., Kochetova, A. I..2017d. Seasonal development of the pine sawyer beetle (Monochamus galloprovincialis) in the north-eastern steppe of Ukraine. Forestry and Forest Melioration, 130, 223–230.

Meshkova, V., Kukina, O., Zinchenko, O., Davydenko, K. 2017e. Three-year dynamics of common ash defoliation and crown condition in the focus of black sawfly Tomostethus nigritus F. (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Baltic Forestry, 23(1), 303–308.

Meshkova, V. 2018. Resistance and tolerance of forest stands to insects in terms of host and forest site preferences. In: Gninenko, Yu. I., Zhang Yong, eds. Recent Advances in the Researches and Application of Viruses in Forest Health Protection and Entomophages. VNILLM, Pushkino-Beijing, 52–64.

Meshkova, V. L., Bobrov, І. О. 2018. Pine bark bug in the stands of Novgorod-Siverske Polissya: monograph. Planeta-Print, Kharkiv, 1–182. [in Ukrainian].

Mikulina, I. M. 2012. Biological background of broadleaved trees protection from adventive moths-miners in green stands of Kharkov Region: PhD Thesis (16.00.10 — entomology). Kharkiv, 1–20. [in Ukrainian].

Nazarenko, S. V. 2012. Ecological background of prediction and control of populations of injurious pine insects in Low Dnieper region: PhD Thesis (16.00.10 — entomology). Kharkiv, 1–20. [in Ukrainian].

Nikulina, T. V. 2014. Bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) of South-Eastern Ukraine (fauna, geographic distribution, biological features): PhD Thesis (03.00.24 — entomology). Kyiv, 1–20. [in Ukrainian].

Prokhorov, O. V. 2014. The jewel beetles (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) of the Forest-Steppe and Steppe of Ukraine: PhD Thesis (03.00.24 — entomology). Kyiv, 1–20. [in Ukrainian].

Putshkov, P. V., Gubin, A. I., Popov, G. V., Kalesnik, V. I., Syzhko, V. V. 2012. The North American intruder Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann (Heteroptera: Coreidae) settled down in Ukraine. Ukrainska Entomofaunistyka, 3(3), 1–3.

Skrylnik, Yu. Ye. 2011. Phenological peculiarities of flight of xylophagous insects of Pinus sylvestris L. in the Left bank Forest steppe of Ukraine. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 19(1), 47–56. [in Ukrainian].

Skrylnik, Yu. Ye. 2013a. Acanthocinus aedilis (Linnaeus, 1758) in the pine stands of the Left-bank Ukraine. Forestry and Forest Melioration, 122, 129–137. [in Ukrainian].

Skrylnik, Yu. Ye. 2013b. Injuriousness of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in the pine stands of the Left-Bank Ukraine. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 10, 148–159. [in Ukrainian].

Skrylnik, Yu., Zinchenko, O., Kukina, O., Sokolova, I. 2014. Keys for determination of pine sawflies species in Kyiv and Chernihiv Polissya and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Forestry and Forest Melioration, 125, 198–205.

Skrylnik, Yu. Ye. 2015. Injuriousness of stem insects in the pine stands of the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine: PhD Thesis (06.03.03 — forest sciences and forestry). Kharkiv, 1–20. [in Ukrainian].

Skrylnik, Yu. Ye., Koshelyaeva, Ya. V. 2015. First results of study the stem insects of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) in the Kharkiv Region. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 23(1), 54–58. [in Ukrainian].

Sokolova, І. М. 2012. Trophic relations of phytophagous insects of pine stands of Kharkiv Region. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University. Series ‘Phytopathology and Entomology’, 11, 104–114. [in Ukrainian].

Sokolova, І. М. 2016. Spread and injuriousness of stem insects of unclosed Scots pine plantations in pine forests in Siversky Donets river valley: PhD Thesis (06.03.03 — forest sciences and forestry). Kharkiv, 1–23. [in Ukrainian].

Terekhova, V. V., Salnitskaya, M. A. 2014. Annotated list of bark beetles species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) of the Forest-Steppe zone of the Left Bank Ukraine. The Bulletin of Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin. Series Biology, 20(1100), 180–197. [in Russian].

Terekhova, V. V., Skrylnik, Y. Y. 2012. Biological peculiarities of the alien for Europe Anisandrus maiche Stark (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) bark beetle in Ukraine. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 3(2), 139–144.

Zinchenko, O. V. 2014. Effect of stem pests on growth and condition of pine stands of the Left-Bank Forest Steppe: PhD Thesis (06.03.03 — forest sciences and forestry). Kharkiv, 1–20. [in Ukrainian].

Zinchenko, O. V., Kukina, O. M. 2015. Some biological peculiarities of ash black sawfly Tomostethus nigritus Fabricius, 1804 (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 23(2), 70–74.








How to Cite

“Achievements and problems of forest entomology in Ukraine” (2018) The Kharkiv Entomological Society Gazette, 26(1), pp. 119–129. Available at: (Accessed: 22 February 2025).