To the distribution of noctuid moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea) in the North-Western Pryazovia and adjacent regions of the steppe zone of Ukraine


  • С. І. Сучков Pryazovskyi National Nature Park, 46, Ivan Bohun St., Melitopol, Zaporizhzhya Region, 72311, UKRAINE; e-mail:
  • Ю. М. Геряк Lviv Department of the Ukrainian Entomological Society, Sambir, Lviv Region, UKRAINE; e-mail:



The new records of 94 species of noctuid moths (Noctuoidea) in the North-Western Pryazovia and adjacent regions of the steppe zone of Ukraine are presented. One species Dysgonia rogenhoferi is recorded in Ukraine for the first time. Founds of species Eublemma amasina and Caradrina expansa are the second in our country. One species (Eublemma amasina) in Dnipro Region, 2 (Ptilophora plumigera and Schargacucullia gozmanyi) — in Donetsk Region, 2 (Cerura erminea and Apamea unanimus) — in Odesa Region, 5 (Acantholipes regularis, Dysgonia rogenhoferi, Caradrina expansa, Luperina rubella, and Aporophyla canescens) — in Zaporizhzhya Region, 7 (Clostera anastomosis, Zanclognatha lunalis, Polyphaenis sericata, Protarchanara brevilinea, Aporophyla canescens, Lacanobia praedita, and Dichagyris forcipula) — in Kherson Region, and 10 (Clostera anastomosis, Cucullia argentina, Meganephria bimaculosa, Hoplodrina blanda, Sedina buettneri, Tiliacea aurago, Cosmia diffinis, Cosmia affinis, Aporophyla lutulenta and Xestia trifida) — in Mykolaiv Region are registered for the first time. In addition, new localities of a number of little-known, local and rare species in Ukraine or in its separate regions were discovered. 3 figs, 24 refs.


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How to Cite

“To the distribution of noctuid moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea) in the North-Western Pryazovia and adjacent regions of the steppe zone of Ukraine” (2019) The Kharkiv Entomological Society Gazette, 27(2), pp. 23–33. doi:10.36016/KhESG-2019-27-2-3.